Tinjauan Tahap Kesediaan Guru Pelatih Kimia Terhadap Pelaksanaan Ujian Amali SPM Kertas 3


  • Annur Anise Muhammad Nor Hakim Jabatan Kimia, Fakulti Sains dan Matematik, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak, Malaysia
  • Yuhanis Mhd Bakri Jabatan Kimia, Fakulti Sains dan Matematik, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak, Malaysia


Ujian amali SPM, soal selidik, tinjauan, kesediaan, Practical test SPM, questionnaire, survey, readiness


Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) telah memperkenalkan pelaksanaan format baharu Kertas 3 SPM pada tahun 2021, di mana, Ujian Amali Kertas 3 akan dilaksanakan bagi menggantikan format bertulis Kertas 3 SPM yang melibatkan semua matapelajaran sains termasuklah Fizik, Kimia, Biologi dan Sains Tambahan. Justeru itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap pengetahuan dan kesediaan guru pelatih Kimia terhadap pelaksanaan Ujian Amali SPM Kertas 3. Reka bentuk kuantitatif melalui kajjan tinjauan telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Pemilihan sampel kajian dijalankan secara rawak mudah melibatkan guru pelatih Kimia Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) Semester 6 dan 7. Soal selidik mengandungi 3 bahagian, iaitu demografi sampel kajian, tahap kesediaan guru pelatih dalam aspek pengetahuan dan tahap kesediaan guru pelatih dalam aspek kemahiran manipulatif. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan kekerapan, peratusan, min, dan sisihan piawai bagi menjelaskan ketiga- tiga bahagian dalam soal selidik. Instrumen kajian ini memperoleh kesahan pakar sebanyak 87.5% dan nilai kebolehpercayaan sebanyak 0.909. Analisis deskriptif menunjukkan terdapat 83 orang responden yang terdiri dari 14.5% guru pelatih semester 6 dan 85.5% guru pelatih semester 7. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa responden kajian mempunyai tahap kesediaan dalam aspek pengetahuan (M=2.8597, SP=0.4729) yang sederhana dan tahap kesediaan dalam aspek kemahiran manipulatif (M=3.0446, SP=0.32686) yang tinggi terhadap pelaksanaan Ujian Amali SPM Kertas 3. Implikasi daripada kajian ini dapat dijalankan sebagai garis panduan dan rujukan kepada semua pihak yang terlibat agar penambahbaikan terhadap kesediaan guru pelatih dari aspek pengetahuan dapat dipertingkatkan bagi melahirkan bakal guru yang bersedia dari aspek pengetahuan dan kemahiran. Kesimpulannya, guru pelatih perlu diberikan penekanan terhadap pengetahuan pelaksanaan ujian amali SPM kertas 3 serta teknik penggunaan peralatan sains dalam aspek kemahiran manipulatif.

The Malaysian Ministry of Education (KPM) has introduced the implementation of the new format of Paper 3 SPM in 2021, where the Paper 3 Practical Test will be implemented to replace the written format of Paper 3 SPM which involves all science subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Additional Sciences. Therefore, this survey study aims to identify the level of knowledge and readiness of Chemistry trainee teachers towards the implementation of the SPM Paper 3 Practical Test. A survey research design has been used in this study. The sample selection was carried out through random sampling involving Chemistry trainee teachers Semester 6 and 7 in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. The questionnaire contained 3 parts, the demographics of the sample, the level of readiness of the trainee teachers in the aspect of knowledge, the level of readiness of the trainee teachers in the aspect of manipulative skills. Data was analyzed descriptively using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation to explain the three parts of the questionnaire. This research instrument obtained expert validity of 87.5% and a reliability value of 0.909. Descriptive analysis shows that there are 83 respondents consisting of 14.5% of semester 6 students and 85.5% of semester 7 students. The results of the study show that the respondents have a moderate level of readiness in the aspect of knowledge (M=2.8597, SP=0.4729) and a high level of readiness in the aspect of manipulative skills (M=3.0446, SP=0.32686) towards the implementation of the SPM Practical Test Paper 3. Implications from this study can be carried out as a guideline and reference for all parties involved, so that the readiness of trainee teachers from the aspect of knowledge can be improved to produce future teacher who are prepared in terms of knowledge and skills. In conclusion, trainee teachers need to be given emphasis on the knowledge of the implementation of the SPM paper 3 practical test as well as the technique of using equipments as in manipulative skills.


