
  • Nasser Aden Lafi Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
  • Roslan Ab Rahman Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
  • Nashaat Baioumy Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin


Parental Mediation; Digital world; Social media; Media education


Abstract: : Strategies of control and restriction in the mediation of parents between their teenage
children and the digital world are still the most prevalent to this day, despite the developments of the
times, most notably the spread of social media and games among the new generation, which include
new characteristics that differ from the characteristics of traditional media. This study aims to identify
the challenges posed by the developments of post-internet digitization (specifically social media and
games) on the mediation of parents between their adolescent children and the media, and to examine the efficacy of control and restriction mechanisms in the light of contemporary developments.
Methodology: The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach in collecting and examining data,
by presenting and discussing some previous studies in order to reach conclusions. Results: The study
showed that parents' use of control and restriction strategies in managing their teenage children in the
digital world is useless, not to mention the devastating effects it has on the relationship of trust and
disclosure between adolescents and their parents, and about that the need to adopt self-regulation
strategies based on media and digital education increases, so that Adolescents are motivated by selfconsciousness and values to prevent the dangers of the digital world and protect themselves from its scourge in parallel with taking advantage of the opportunities it offers them. Conclusion: The study
contributed to highlighting the need to develop the awareness of parents of adolescents about media
education so that they can keep pace with digital developments and replace the strategies of control and
restriction in dealing with their adolescent children with democratic support strategies so that the
children can navigate the current and future digital world in balance and safety


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