
  • Sya'na Sekar Izaty University of Darussalam Gontor
  • Eko Nur Cahyo University of Darussalam Gontor
  • Alfi Khilmi University of Darussalam Gontor


Islamic Economy, Middle East


Abstract: The Middle East is the oldest human civilization and is believed to have the most influential historical milestones in the world. However, this region is recognized for having the world's largest oil reserves, which contributes to the high levels of conflict that occur there each year. The prolonged conflict in this region has had a significant impact on most sectors of the world economy. Thus, research aims to find out the relationship between Islamic economics in the Middle East and significant historical turning points as well as some of the region's potential. This study uses a qualitative literature research design which includes data management through presentation, argumentation, and description. The secondary data used in this study came from several publications that support the research's discussion and literature reviews. The data obtained was then analyzed to determine the relationship between Islamic economics and the long history and potential of the Middle East Region. The Middle East economy has advanced since before Christ along with the presence of the Prophet as the first pillar of the Sharia economy. It is not surprising that an economy based on Islam can easily develop in this region.


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