
  • Wei da Feng University of Wales Trinity Saint David


Competition, Sustainability, SWOT Analysis


Abstract: This report offers a thorough analysis of Amazon's business environment with an emphasis on its market competition, external variables, and internal strengths. The analysis highlights the intense competition, significant buyer bargaining power, and challenges posed by substitutes in the e-commerce market using Porter's Five Forces. The PESTEL analysis highlights the significance of legal compliance, technology adoption, and environmental sustainability as it explains the impact of political, economic, sociocultural, technical, environmental, and legal variables on Amazon's operations. A thorough SWOT analysis highlights governmental scrutiny and the growing environmental consciousness as possible threats while noting Amazon's market dominance and varied portfolio as important assets. The paper also looks at Amazon's microeconomic choices in light of the evolving business climate, including price policies and market segmentation. Finally, a critical assessment is made of Amazon's dedication to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). In order to continue its market leadership in the developing international e-commerce sector, the report emphasises the need for Amazon to consistently innovate, negotiate regulatory difficulties, implement sustainable business practises, and maintain its customer-centric attitude.


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