
  • Weida Feng University of Wales Trinity Saint David


Competitive Environment, PESTEL Analysis, Corporate Social Responsibility


Abstract: This report provides a comprehensive evaluation of Tencent's online development strategy adopted during the pandemic, with a focus on its competitive environment, external factors, and internal capabilities. By employing the Porter's Five Forces model, the analysis highlights the intense competitors in the field of online services, the significant bargaining power of consumers, and threats posed by substitutes. PESTEL analysis elucidates the impact of political, economic, sociocultural, technological, environmental, and legal factors on Tencent's operations, emphasizing the importance of regulatory compliance, technological adoption, and environmental sustainability. A detailed SWOT analysis describes Tencent's market leadership and diversified product portfolio as its main strengths, while highlighting regulatory scrutiny and increasing environmental awareness as potential challenges. The report also assesses the strategy's environmental aspects by applying Porter's Five Forces, such as pricing strategies and market segmentation. Subsequently, Tencent's commitment to  corporate social responsibility and sustainability was analyzed. Lastly, integrating all aspects of the analysis, the report critically evaluates Tencent's strategy, pointing out the existing shortcomings and challenges. In its conclusion, the report emphasizes that Tencent needs to continue innovating, address regulatory challenges, adopt sustainable business practices, and maintain a customer-centric approach to retain its market leadership in the constantly evolving global e-commerce industry. Finally, suggestions are made for Tencent's future development direction and existing deficiencies.


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