
  • Rahimah Dahlan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Mohd. Isa Hamzah Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Pengabaian, warga emas, faktor pengabaian, kesan pengabaian, peranan komuniti Neglect, elderly, factors of neglect, effects of neglect, role of community


Abstrak: Warga emas adalah golongan yang perlu di jaga dan dibela. Banyak jasa dan sumbangan warga emas terhadap anak-anak dan negara. Pengabaian terhadap warga emas di Malaysia adalah satu masalah sosial yang sangat di pandang serius pada akhir-akhir ini. Peratusan pengabaian warga emas dari pelbagai aspek menurut pertubuhan kesihatan sedunia sebanyak 34.7% yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas. Peratusan ini akan terus meningkat tahun demi tahun dengan peningkatan revolusi 4.0. Pendedahan terhadap kes pengabaian masih kurang didedahkan kepada komuniti. Pengabaian warga emas semakin membimbangkan dikalangan masyarakat. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji faktor dan kesan  pengabaian warga emas dikalangan masyarakat di Malaysia berdasarkan kajian-kajian lepas. Metodologi dalam kajian ini adalah menggunakan kaedah kualitatif bagi merangkumi sorotan kajian. Isu ini dibincangkan dengan menggunakan jurnal, artikel dan buku yang berkaitan isu- isu pengabaian. Hasil daripada kajian-kajian yang lepas terdapat banyak faktor pengabaian terhadap warga emas ini antaranya sikap individu itu sendiri, pentingkan kerjaya, masalah kewangan, tiada kepercayaan  oleh warga emas dan banyak lagi menyebabkan berlakunya pengabaian terhadap warga emas di Malaysia. Oleh itu, isu pengabaian warga emas ini akan dibincangkan dalam kajian ini.

Abstract: The elderly is a group that needs to be looked after and protected. Many services and contributions of the elderly towards children and the country. The neglect of the elderly in Malaysia is a social problem that has been taken very seriously lately. The percentage of neglect of the elderly from various aspects according to the world health organization is 34.7% who are 60 years old and above. This percentage will continue to increase year after year with the advancement of the 4.0 revolution. Disclosure of cases of neglect is still not disclosed to the community. Neglect of the elderly is a growing concern among the community. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors and effects of the neglect of the elderly among the community in Malaysia based on previous studies. The methodology in this study is to use qualitative methods to cover the highlights of the study. This issue is discussed using journals, articles and books related to abandonment issues. As a result of past studies, there are many factors that lead to the neglect of the elderly, among them the individual's own attitude, the importance of career, financial problems, lack of trust by the elderly and many more causes the neglect of the elderly in Malaysia. Therefore, the issue of neglect of the elderly will be discussed in this study.





