: social proof, digital marketing, user-generated content, social media influencers, social listeningAbstract
Abstract: Social proof is a critical component of digital marketing that has taken on new forms in today's digital age, including user-generated content and social media influencers. This study explores the latest trends and innovations in social proof and their impact on consumer behavior, particularly in the context of Malaysia. Through a thorough review of the literature on social proof and digital marketing, this study provides insights into the most effective strategies for building trust and engagement with customers. The study found that user-generated content, social media influencers, and social listening are among the most effective strategies for building trust and engagement with customers in Malaysia. Authenticity and transparency are crucial for building long-term relationships with customers. The study concludes by discussing the practical implications of these findings for businesses in Malaysia and beyond, including the need to develop a comprehensive social media marketing strategy that aligns with their overall marketing goals and objectives. This study contributes to the literature on social proof and digital marketing and provides valuable insights for businesses looking to enhance their digital marketing efforts.
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